So campers, can Heroes have an impact on the current meta? I’m not interested in some virtual, OCG-defined
diversion. I’m talking about a game with
real TCG cards played against real TCG people. In other words, can our Heroes overcome all
that the Duelist Alliance will throw
our way?
Before answering the question, one has to get past all the whining
about the imprisonment of Stratos and the delayed arrival of the structure
deck. There is little to be gained by
wishing for cards that don’t exist in a language that can be read by most of
the people on this continent. Take it
from someone who waited nine months for Tin Goldfish only to have their precious
gadgets blown off the tables by the Droolers. Real men don’t play proxies.
The Heroic Anti-Meta
I believe Heroes can be a force with the currently available card
pool. To do so, the deck will have to overcome
the Shaddolls. Soon the card formerly known
as Midrash will slow special summoning to a crawl. This dark deck has the capability of neutering
Satellarknights, Gears, Sylvans, and even the ever-invincible Infernities. However, this restriction means little to
Hero players. All it takes is one well
played Miracle Fusion to turn the duel around.
So with an anti-meta mindset, here is my deck list:
Monsters: Alius x 3, Bubbleman x 2, Photon Thrasher x 2, Evocator Chevalier* x 1, Fire Hand x 2, Ice Hand x 2, Kuribandit x 2
Spells: Miracle Fusion x 3, E Call x 2, ROTA x 2, Pot of Duality x 3, Gemini Spark x 3, Dark Hole x 1, Forbidden Chalice x 2, Forbidden Lance x 2
Traps: Solemn Warning x 1, CED x 1, Skill Drain x 3, Summon Limit x 3
Extra Deck: Shining x 2, Abs Zero x 2, Escuridao x 1, Nova Master x 2, Gaia x 1, Exciton x 1, Ark x 1, Abyss x 1, Castel x 1, Emeral x 1, Black Ship x 1, Crazy Box x 1
Side Deck: DD Warrior Lady x 1, Maxx C x 3, MST x 3, Super Poly x 2, Parallel World x 2, M Cosmos x 1, D Fissure x 1, Dark Bribe x 2
The real ace of the deck is Skill Drain. This card shuts down so many mainstream decks
that its unrestricted status seems like a cooperate oversight. Pay 1,000 LP and
watch your opponent weep. Furthermore,
most other Skill Drain decks are a thing of the past. The one exception may be
Dark World, but Hero players have a way around that deck as well.
Summon Limit is the second best anti-meta tech. In many ways, this is
the trap version of Winda. I like it’s stability
compared to Vanity’s Emptiness. While it
is dead against Shaddoll’s, it is quite live against the rest of the spam-happy
A Little Help from Dragons of
Ice and Fire Hand are also nice adjuncts. These cards can set up a wall of sorts and
let you draw into your bigger plays.
They are also unaffected by Skill Drain and serve as materials for Nova
and Absolute Zero.
Flexible Side Deck
While Skill Drain is great for the field, it does little for the host
of cards that activate in the graveyard.
Once again, Heroes demonstrate unparalleled flexibility. After siding out Fire and Ice Hands, one can
play D Fissure, M Cosmos, and Parallel World Fusion. I do keep Kuribandit in so that I can get to D
Fissure and M Cosmos.
Here's to the Heroes!
* I could be talked into dropping Evocator and a Spark for two Barbarros
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