Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tier Predictions for All 150 Yugioh Archetypes (Winter 2014)

Here’s my breakdown of all 157 Yugioh archetype for the coming format.  

… of course,  I need to give a few provisos, conditions, and caveats. What pundit doesn’t?  

The meta will likely change dramatically as new products are released. I have tried to include those changes in this list.  For example, Bujins, Chronomaly, Heraldics, and Ghostricks will be substantially stronger.  Geargias are also getting new support though its not clear when Auger will get released.  

With that said, here are a few observations about this list:
  1.  Diversity now!  This meta will have many strong decks but not a single dominating deck.  It’s a risky prediction because all of the formats are generally dominated by one deck. Nevertheless, I do not see us experiencing a Dragon’s 2.0 
  2.  Down the drain. Decks that can play Skill Drain get a bit of a boost. This format will be a battle of the effect monsters and Skill Drain is going to hurt.  As a result, Malefics and TGs get a boost.
  3. Gentlemen, have your Trap Stuns ready.  This will be a trap heavy format.  Several of the decks rely on a substantial backrow.  Madolche, Bujins, and Geargias all fall in this category
  4. Yugi glory is under the sea.  Once again, Mermails are poised to be a very strong deck.  They have not suffered at all from the F&L list.  They are still underplayed but I suspect a lot of Dragon Droolers will make their way back to this deck. 
  5.  Creature Swap is a card.  I’ve made the point before that Creature Swap is a very strong card this format.  It doesn’t target and doesn’t destroy. Float like a butterfly and swap like a bee. 

I hope you find this list helpful as you prepare for more Yugioh!


  1. You put my Madolche as Tier 1 and I love you

  2. It need to be updated

  3. Venom should be tier 6, or even 7, they suck so much

    1. Hard to argue - My inclusion of the lower tiered decks is rather tongue-in-cheek. I do it more as a reminder of all of the archetypes worthy of a little "Konami" love.

  4. Why are Lavals so high up?

  5. Seemed good at the time ... like 11 months ago.

  6. galaxy should be no 1

  7. The list both needs to be updated and is terrible. If you think there can be more than 1 deck that can be tier 0, not to mention that noble knights and heraldics could fit anywhere near that category in any point in time, it is a sign to you that you need to rethink the entire thing. for starters, why on earth do you have it laid out as "tier 0-1 tier 1 tier 1-2 etc"? your choices for them are one thing, but the fact that it's laid out so oddly and not actually being straight with what the tiers are just adds to how crappy this is. I don't know if this is just a list of the decks you like the most or of this is seriously your interpretation of the tiers, but either way it needs to be changed. Ghostricks tier 1 and Ancient Gear as tier 2, seems 100% legit.

  8. You're commenting on a 2013 post. Most of my predictions are good for a few weeks - not more than a year. I have added tags to all my articles. If you want to see ALL of my meta predictions, simply click on the tag and you will get the most recent one first.

    I also took away the "tier" designations. I agree with you that these designations are close to useless. The labels were meant to be ironic. "1 to 2" was meant to be 1.5, etc.

  9. Check this and update it
