We are on the eve of a New Year and playas and pundits alike are making their predictions. Traditionally, the Yugiverse has done the same in response to the F & L list. Alas, that vaunted list has little influence on the meta. The modern game is dominated by the release of evermore powerful archetypes.
Over the next three fortnights, Konami
will disgorge themselves of Secrets of
Eternity, Hero Strike, and Secret
Forces. While SECE will cause only
minor ripples, Hero Strike and Secret Forces will cause seismic shifts
in the game. Heroes return with a
searchable Macro Cosmos and the Secret Forces will establish the primacy of
Nekroz with their reincarnate Trishula. Furthermore, these latter sets will be readily
accessible. While I decry the haste of
their release, I am grateful that these cards will be affordable to most
doolists. All of the investors in
Burning Abyss should be prepared to get burned by a bargain deck.
This list was made with the following observations:
- I am including Secrets of Eternity and Hero Strike but not Secret Forces. In other words, this list is a prediction of the meta until February 12th. This choice is somewhat random but it reflects my desire to prepare for YCS South Carolina on February 1st.
- Graveyard dependent decks will get hit. Dark Law will be the new law in town.
- Light themed decks will trend up slightly with Honest at two.
- Several lower tiered decks will get a small boost from SECE. Unfortunately, none of this additional support will move these decks into competitive contention. However, they should inject a little bit of fun into some beloved archetypes. This list includes X Sabers, Zombies, Symphonic Warriors, Dragunities, and winged beast themed decks.
- Be wary of two rogue strategies! Monarch support has been slowly increasing over the past year. The less dependent monarchs are on the little froggy, the better they will be. I also think Koa’ki Meiru Overdose will add greatly to the Rock Stun strategy.
- The larger numbers on the left are my predictions for the first 4 - 6 weeks of the meta.
- The smaller numbers on the right were my predictions following the last F&L list.
- I update this list with the institution of each new F&L list. I do not delete my older posts.
- I have dropped my tongue and cheek tier ratings since this seems to be a point of contention among the Yugioh faithful.
- ... and yes, please tell me why Gimmick Puppets should leap above Galaxy.